Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Vir Mulier Solivagus

oil, rubber bands, masking tape, electric tape, marker, string, plastic ants, band aid, paint brush bristles, paint brush handle, brown recluse spider, moth, plaster on canvas

This was my first oil painting - ever - re-worked a bit. I like it better now. What do you think?

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

pieces of pain
and paint and
a stain
shaped like an onion
with skin of a rat
with fat
litter the place
where it rained
where I claimed
where I stayed
and layed my past
to rest a restless sleep...
pieces and grains
of saddened recall
and long lost lines in sand
litter the hall
and cause me to fall
in time with those
pieces of sand
through the glass

By Jason Loya 9.9.06

Thursday, September 07, 2006


Marker, oil pastel, string, metal, wire, rubber bands, plastic ants, colored pencil, masking tape, graphite, acrylic paint on canvas

Do you speak French? Do you have teeth? Are you all neat and tidy?

Monday, September 04, 2006

All Photographs Copyright 2006 Jason J. Loya

Do you?