Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Just Built a Website...

I recently completed my first website gig for someone other than myself or my company. It is a site for actor, Matt Ritchey and I think it turned out rather well. You can see my handiwork at

I find it interesting that I can add "web builder" to my resume because I have for so long shunned digital art in favor of fine art (painting, sculpture, drawing, etc). While I am still not a huge fan of straight "digital art" - as in "paintings" done on computers, web building is a bit different. It started because I needed a site and didn't have the money to build one - but did have all of the top notch web building programs.

So over the course of the last couple years, it became sort of a challenge to myself to figure out how to use the tools to create something not just functional but unique. So far, I have been pleased - though I'm sure I've lost a lot of sleep and A LOT of hair in the process.

So while I do not see myself becoming a career web designer, it is not a bad way for an otherwise starving artist to make a living being creative and I'm proud of my work to boot. So if you want, check out (parent to this blog),, and the latest: I know I'm no übergeek with all the young web gurus out there - but I'm trying! :-)